Compliments from Sweden
I bought a used Meber SR500 for my workshop, and what a splendid saw it is! My old saw wasn’t bad, but there’s just no comparison. The Meber runs quietly and with virtually no vibration, even while cutting through the most demanding pieces of wood. I really love my Meber, which is highest quality down to the smallest detail, and the best bandsaw I have ever operated.
Lucas Orve, Täby, SWEDEN”.

Best greetings from Australia
Hello everybody there. I have received the spare parts, thank you!
I have attached a photo of the band saw which my father bought over 25 years ago, I have also included ih the photo a vase that he made. Each wedge shaped segment of the vase was cut on the bandsaw using 5 different timbers, glued to form rings upon the base untile the full height and shape of the vase was achieved. The vase was mounted on a lathe and turned to its final shape. It took him hundreds of hours to complete. Your products are greats !
Greg Gibson
23 Nanbaree Drive Bray Park
4500 Queensland – Australia
Lucas Orve, Täby, SWEDEN”.
Greetings from Vejle
dear Company Meber
your Industrial band saw Mod. Special SR-R-900 ensure the best performances to our loghouses components
Company Benny Munk – Veijle- Denmark

Une photo encore pour votre album
Voila la scie appartenu à mon pere dans son entreprise de construction: il était charpentier et ébéniste. Il n’a que des éloges à formuler pour votre matériel et des manutetions tres rares. Mes compliments !
Deconninck Christian
Chemin de fer Belges
Belgarde -Namur – BELGIQUE
Tel. 0032 478418512
Compliments from Trinidad y Tobago
dear Meber
We send you the photo of one of your stroke belt sanders LEM that we have installed in our Company
We use these top quality machines with great satisfaction since many years
Company Laughlin & De Gannes Ltd.
37 Dundonalkd Street
Port of Spain
Trinidad y Tobago- Caribbean –

From Israel the best compliments
we have one of your machines working since many and many years.
Your quality and service are the best
Greetings from
Erez shamy
Probox LTD.
website :
Une photo pour votre galerie
Nous utilisons votre scie MEBER SR700 pour le sciage de nos pièces en aluminium et bronze d’aluminium.
Fiabilité, performance et qualité sont les atouts de ce matériel
Sincères salutations Gilles Rolland
Ateliers ROUX et GALLOIS
73 boulevard Franklin Roosevelt
38 500 VOIRON
tél : 04 76 05 00 44
email :
site internet :

Greetings from RUSSIA
we have one band saw SR 900 !
best regards
моб. +7-911-925-40-17
Вохмянин Сергей
Главный инженер
ООО “БелмаВекс”
факс. 8-81371-22-102
Greetings from Estonia
we send you the photo of our Mod BEST950 dated 1999 equipped with caterpllar fence on table
Best regards
Taavi Saar
Company Kestvuspuit AS
+372 47 24 742
+372 50 55 679

La qualité avant tout et avant le prix !
bonjour, noua avons achete a l’epoque
votre model 3VOL6 chez un revendeur en Hollande.
Cette scie est tres performante pour notre travail et de qualité excellente; nous avons toujours fait confiance a votre marque depuis annees
sinceres salutations
mr. Philippe Wentzy
Orthopédie – Prothèse Lagarrigue
Parc Le Biogalien – Bâtiment B, 27 Allée Charles Darwin
33600 PESSAC